Do You Trust Yourself?

Why We Need Self-Trust.

Self Trust + Courage Go Hand in Hand. 

The last few challenges touched on striking the balance between honesty + kindness, which is no small feat in a world as heated as ours. It can be intimidating to speak truthfully-- after all, what is true?

It has become harder and harder to know what, or who we can trust. In a world stuck in attack + defend mode, being kind is counterculture and being kind + honest, requires self-trust.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something different is the greatest accomplishment.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Often we freeze in analysis paralysis and forget the intelligence of our instincts. Learn more how to notice + trust your gut instincts via the Hidden Power of Gut Instincts

#Kindathon Mission 16: 
Be True to You.

Vanessa Cameron